Pain in the Pelvis During Pregnancy?

Pubic symphysis pain during pregnancy, also known as symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) or pelvic girdle pain (PGP), is a common discomfort experienced by many expectant mothers. It occurs due to hormonal changes that cause ligament laxity, leading to instability in the pelvic joints. Symptoms of pubic symphysis pain may include sharp or shooting pain in the pelvic region, difficulty walking or moving, and discomfort when changing positions. Find out how physical therapy can help you!

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4 Benefits of Vaginal Dilator use

Discover why vaginal dilators are prescribed, their benefits, and tips for successful use. Learn how they assist with pelvic floor muscle dysfunction and aid in conditions like vaginismus, endometriosis, and more. Don't let intimidation hold you back—find out how to make the most of vaginal dilators and seek guidance from a pelvic floor physical therapist if needed.

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