TENS Units: A Non-Medicated Option for Labor Pain

You are pregnant and have started looking into different options for pain control during labor and delivery. Or, you are hoping for an unmedicated birth but the idea of intense labor pain makes you nervous. Did you know that an over-the-counter TENS unit can help improve pain control and delay the need for an epidural? check out the Blog to see how this works.

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Pain in the Pelvis During Pregnancy?

Pubic symphysis pain during pregnancy, also known as symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) or pelvic girdle pain (PGP), is a common discomfort experienced by many expectant mothers. It occurs due to hormonal changes that cause ligament laxity, leading to instability in the pelvic joints. Symptoms of pubic symphysis pain may include sharp or shooting pain in the pelvic region, difficulty walking or moving, and discomfort when changing positions. Find out how physical therapy can help you!

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