Lotus Core Physical Therapy Pelvic Health

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3 Abdominal Techniques for Enhanced Colon Motility & Constipation Relief

Constipation can lead to decreased bowel movement frequency, accompanied by abdominal pain, bloating, and cramping.  Struggling with difficulty passing bowel movements can significantly impact one’s quality of life.  You are considered to have constipation if you experience two or more of the below symptoms for more than 25% of bowel movements: 

  • Less than 3 bowel movements per week 

  • Difficulty or pain during passing a bowel movements 

  • Sensation of incomplete emptying 

  • Lump, hard, pellet-like, or dry stool consistency

To dive deeper into the topic of constipation, explore my other blog: Show Love to Your Bowels this Valentine’s Day. 

While lifestyle and diet changes are the primary strategy for managing constipation, a pelvic health physical therapist can offer guidance on various conservative treatments.  Learn about three effective abdominal techniques that you can try to alleviate bloating, enhance bowel movement frequency, and improve colon transit.  

 One: The Abdominal Massage:

 I Love You Massage (I-L-U) : this massage follows the path of the large colon.  The basic concept is you are creating the letter ‘I - L - U’ when performing the massage.  Follow the steps below: 

  • Begin in a laying down position with knees bent or over a pillow.

  • Starting on the lower abdomen near your left hip bone, apply moderate pressure and create circular motions up towards your left lower rib - forming the ‘I’

  • To create the ‘L’, start at the left hip bone, move up to the rib, and then shift  left to right under your ribs with using same circular motions and pressure 

  • Last, for the ‘U’, repat the ‘L’ step and, from the right lower rib, move down towards your right hip 

Circular Clockwise Motion: 

  • Begin in a laying down position with knees bent or over a pillow.  

  • Using gentle to moderate pressure, make small clockwise circles around your navel

Up and down Massage: 

  • Being in a laying down position with knees bent or over a pillow. 

  • Place both hands under your ribs on either side of your navel

  • Apply gentle to moderate pressure and move towards your pubic bone, then repeat. 

Two: Diaphragmatic Breathing with Abdominal Overpressure: 

Diaphragmatic breathing can help relax your nervous system, decrease your heart rate, and activate your parasympathetic nervous system. This system supports rest and digestion, promoting defections.  

  • Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent or placed over a pillow. 

  • Place your hands on your belly, inhale through your nose and gently expand your belly into your hands. 

  • Keep your chest still 

  • Simultaneously, as your belly rises into your hands, your pelvic floor muscle begins to lengthen towards your feet.  

  • As you start to exhale, apply gentle pressure in a downward motion towards the pelvis.  Repeat this process. 

Three: Exercises:

The Knees to Chest is an effective way to apply gentle pressure to the abdominal wall, promoting colon motility.  There are various ways to perform this exercise, including a double leg stretch, a single leg stretch, and modified happy baby version to relax the pelvic floor muscle.  Explore the variations below:  

Begin laying down on a comfortable surface:

These variations can offer relief to the abdominal area and promote relaxation in the pelvic floor muscles.  Remember to perform these exercises gently and adjust them to your comfort level.  

🚨If you have any health concerns or pre-existing conditions, consult with a health professional such as a pelvic floor physical therapist before attempting a new exercise and/or manual treatment.  This blog is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat or diagnose any medical condition.🚨

Dr. Susan Miller PT, DPT, is a licensed pelvic floor physical therapist and the owner of Lotus Core Physical Therapy in Colorado. She welcomes both in-person and telehealth appointments for Colorado residents, as well as coaching calls for clients residing out of state.  

Book at www.lotuscorept.com