Specializing in Pelvic Health, Lotus Core Physical Therapy is breaking out from the traditional physical therapy model to provide you with one-on-one, personalized care.

Are you ready to be free yourself of issues like peeing, pain or pressure? We are ready to be a part of your health journey.


Dr. Susan Miller PT, DPT - Pelvic Health Physical Therapy Specialist

Dr. Susan Miller PT, DPT


Address: 770 W. Hampden Ave. Ste 105

Englewood, CO 80110

Email: info@lotuscorept.com

Phone: 720-468-0367

We do not have a receptionist on-site, please allow 48 hours to return your call.

For a quicker response, email us at: Info@lotuscorept.com

Our Mission is to provide a safe and inviting environment, teaching you strategies to feel empowered in your daily life.

Lotus representing Lotus Core Physical Therapy

Why Lotus Core PT?

A lotus flower symbolizes strength, rebirth and resilience. Its roots are in murky water and blooms each day into a beautiful flower. Our focus at Lotus Core PT is to help you regain your strength when you feel like you are trudging through murky water.

Lotus Core provides one on one, holistic care with appointments times lasting 40 -75 minutes. We provide customized treatment plans that best fits your needs and level of activity. In our sessions, we are committed to finding the root of the problem and provide you with a comprehensive assessment. We understand the importance of education and offer tips and tricks to help you navigate everyday life. We value listening to your story and work as a team to help you reach your goal. Lotus Core PT aims to be an advocate to guide you through your health journey.

Still unsure if Lotus Core PT is the right fit for you? Call or schedule an online appointment for a Compatibility Check.

Phone: 720-468-0367