Lotus Core Physical Therapy Pelvic Health

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Regain Bladder Control:

Proven Strategies and Tips to Restore Your Bladder to Normal 

Experiencing urinary leakage or lack of bladder control? Change your habits for bladder management with these tips. 

Pelvic Floor Exercises for Improve Bladder Control (Kegels)

One of the primary roles of pelvic floor muscles is to control your bladder by stopping urine flow when contracted or aiding in urine emptying when relaxed.  Frist, start to incorporate pelvic floor exercises (kegels) into your daily life.  If you are confused on how to perform a kegel, try this cue.  Visualize an elevator – squeeze the ‘holes’ and lift the muscles up 1-2 floors and don’t forget to breathe.  Ensure complete relaxation after the contraction, which is equally as crucial as the contraction itself.  Relaxation can help empty urine, while contraction helps stop urine.  

Track Urination Time (in seconds) for Better Bladder Control  

Pay attention to the duration (in seconds) of your urination.  The bladder can hold 400-600 ml, or about 2 cups of urine and we aim for a voiding duration between 10-20 seconds with a steady stream.  A short, light stream might indicate that the bladder tricked you into urinating too soon.  On the other hand, if you have a longer stream exceeding 20 seconds, you may have waited too long.  Developing a habit of lighter streams could lead to increased frequency or premature leaking.  Waiting too long may cause the bladder to stretch, reducing the urge to go.  

Monitor Your Voiding Frequency for Optimal Bladder Health: 

On average, you should aim to urinate every 2-4 hours.  Fluid intake, bladder irritants, and decreased pelvic floor strength can influence how often you void.  Track your bladder habits for 1-week, allowing for different schedules (i.e. work and/or weekend time).  How long did you void for? How often did you go?  What did your fluid intake look like?  These questions can help assess your frequency and initiate improvement in your symptoms by changing habits.  If you experience minimal improvement despite changing habits, consulting with a urologist or uro-gynecologist can help in performing tests to assess bladder function and muscle dysfunction.  

Monitor Your Diet and Hydration Habits to Enhance Your Bladder Habits: 

Certain irritants can contribute to urgency, leakage, and increased frequency of urination. The major culprits for bladder irritants include coffee, tea, alcohol, acidic juices, tomato-based and spicy foods.  Even sparkling water can act as a bladder irritant.  If you are experiencing bladder symptoms, consider reducing your intake of these irritants and replacing them with plain water.  

Break the Habit of ‘Just-in-Case’ Peeing for Better Bladder Health

When you leave prior to leaving your house and urinate 15 minutes later when arriving at the next place, it creates a habit of frequent urination.  If you also respond to ever urge due to fear of leaking, it is time to regain control.  Work on urge suppression techniques to take charge of your bladder.  When the urge hits, resist rushing to the restroom!  Instead try these tips: 

1) Stop and stand/still sit when the urge hits 

2) Perform 6-10 quick kegel contractions 

3) Practice deep breathing

4) Engage in distraction strategies 

5) Boost confidence with positive self-talk and assert yourself as the ‘Boss of your Bladder’ 

6) Once the urge subsides, walk to the restroom.  Remember, you want to be in control the entire time.  If the urge starts again, repeat the steps above. 

Disclaimer:  There is a time and place to perform ‘Just-in’Case’ Pees: check them out below  

1) Prior pelvic exam, especially pelvic floor physical therapy 

2) Before bedtime 

3) Before exercising

4) Before and after intercourse 

Which bladder habit are you planning to change to improve your bladder control? Leave a comment below. 

Dr. Susan Miller PT, DPT, is a licensed pelvic floor physical therapist and the owner of Lotus Core Physical Therapy in Colorado. She welcomes both in-person and telehealth appointments for Colorado residents, as well as coaching calls for clients residing out of state.  

Book at www.lotuscorept.com